What makes QCG different
Traditional consultants aren’t always well-aligned. Full in-house operations teams are always expensive.
QUAESTOR CONSULTING GROUP bridges the gap between traditional consultants and in-house operations.
If you are weighing outside portfolio operations support, consider…
Duration, Commitment, Mandate. What is the true focus needed for those who might help you?
Expertise & Backgrounds. Are skills broad, deep and flexible?
Measure of Success. Are outcome goals 100% aligned?
Economic Model. Is your cost-effectiveness maximized?
The QCG business model offers many advantages over traditional consultants and in-house portfolio operations
Traditional Consultants
In-House Portfolio Operations
The QCG Approach
Duration, Commitment, Mandate
3- to 6-month rifle-shot projects
Focus on selling follow-on engagements
Paid full-time team regardless of current demand
Team can range from underutilized to over-stretched
Longer-term partnership with intensity varying by current needs
Focused exclusively on highest-priority value creation levers (could be talent, organic, M&A, digital, etc.)
Measure of Success
Was the consultant’s project successful?
Quality of final presentation to the
PE owner
Was the investment successful?
Did we grow EBITDA over a multi-year period?
Did we tangibly contribute to equity value creation at exit?
Same metrics as an in-house portfolio operations team, but with better margins to the company owners
Expertise & Backgrounds
Engagement sold by partner but often executed by junior staff
Seasoned, senior team with specialized skillsets
Small team can have critical capability gaps, e.g., HR or growth
Full team of seasoned professionals encompassing critical finance, operations, HR and growth functions
Deep PE experience and/or C-level operators of PE-backed companies who think like owners/investors
Economic Model
Fee for service
High fixed overhead cost to management fee including associated carry
Cost-effective variable cost model with performance-based success fee
More closely-aligned partnership than with traditional consultants, with the measures of success exactly the same as with in-house operations.
More flexible and efficient use of resources than with a high-fixed-cost in-house operations team. Any capability gap can be quickly filled by QCG.
No junior staff involved— all QCG team members are seasoned professionals who think like owners/investors.
Performance-based cost model keeps goals well aligned.
The QCG team has deep experience across a variety of industries
& Logistics
& Insurance
Real Estate